
The Ripple Effect Your Dollars Create
As a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, our success and future are dependent on your donations and support. Every retreat we host changes forever the lives of 8-10 veterans and their support partners. Not only them, but every person touched by the healing warrior is effected as well. Healing takes extreme courage and the ripple effects are felt far and wide in our communities.
Help us continue creating ripple effects across the country by offering veterans the chance to heal. Your donation will go towards directly funding the following:
- Out-of-State PTS retreat participants – donations cover 100% of cost for out-of-state veterans and their spouses (not including travel) attending the NVWHC seven-day intensive PTS retreat program. The cost for one retreat is $5,000 per couple and $40,000 per retreat, including 6 therapy sessions per couple post-retreat.
- Cabin/Building Sponsorship Campaign – donations will be applied to a building fund designed to establish a $2.5 million-dollar retreat facility in Angel Fire, New Mexico. This retreat facility will not only provide the dedicated space required to deliver these critical retreats on a year around basis, but also allow us to help three-times the number of veteran families than ever before! Check out the ‘Future Facility’ tab for more details.
To make a donation now, please click on the Donate button below or contact NVWHC Board Secretary, at (575) 377-5236 or via email at email hidden; JavaScript is required about specific giving opportunities.
Become a monthly Sponsor!
Choose your level of giving each month and we’ll handle the rest. Whether you choose $20, $50, $100, $1,000 or more a month; the choice is yours and your donations are always tax deductible! Simply click the ‘Recurring’ payment link on the Donate page.
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) donations:
If you are 72 or older, you can now make gifts directly from your individual IRA to NVWHC in two unique ways.
An Outright Gift: Use your required minimum distribution (up to $100,000 per year) without paying federal income tax on the withdrawal.
A Life-Income Gift: Choose a one-time $50,000 option to purchase a life-income gift (i.e. Charitable Gift Annuity). The income tax due will be distributed over your lifetime income payments.
How it works:
- You must be age 70 1/2 or older at the time the gift is made.
- You must request from the IRA plan custodian a direct transfer of funds to NVWHC, or use the IRA checkbook if provided.
- Gifts can be used to satisfy your IRA required minimum distribution.
- Gifts can be designated for a specific NVWHC project or where most needed.
- Funds held in other retirement plans such as a 401(k) or 403(b) plan are not eligible but may be rolled over to a standard IRA to then be used for a tax-free rollover gift or charity.
*NVWHC does not provide legal, tax, or investment advice. Individuals should consult with their own professional advisors before proceeding with this type of plan.
In-Kind Donations
If you would like to discuss this kind of donation, please contact
our Executive Director.
Corporate Sponsorships Available
The National Veterans Wellness and Healing Center welcomes the opportunity of establishing new corporate sponsorship relationships with organizations that are committed to making a difference in the lives of our veteran and first responder population.
Are you federal employee?
Payroll deductions can be used to fund recurring donations from your salary to help the veterans of NVWHC. Credit card and ACH can fund both one-time and recurring donations. Visit the CFC Giving System at to create and account and pledge to the charities of your choice.
CFC# 72189