About Us

The National Veterans Wellness and Healing Center in Angel Fire, Inc. (NVWHC) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. The mission of the NVWHC is to establish an environment that is responsive to the needs of veterans and military families using creative therapies and processes that focus on emotional and physical healing.
In 2009, NVWHC began retreats for veteran families who had been diagnosed with PTS (Post Traumatic Stress) and have continued to hold retreats every year since inception. NVWHC continues to operate with private donations, grant funding and with the help of the State of New Mexico Department of Behavioral Health. Our focus is to provide tools for veterans and their partners that suffer with the “invisible wounds of war” and to assist with the reintegration into their families within their home communities.”
National Veterans Wellness and Healing Center in Angel Fire has teamed with the State of New Mexico Department of Behavioral Health, Angel Fire Resort, Auslander Condominiums, Roadrunner Tours, and Red River Stables to create the programming included in our retreats. Such a team coupled with the “hands on” experience along with total community support are a unique and winning combination that guarantees successful accomplishment of the wellness retreats for veterans and their partners.
If you have experienced severe trauma or a life-threatening event, you may develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress, commonly known as post-traumatic stress disorder, shell shock, or combat stress. Maybe you felt like your life or the lives of others were in danger, or that you had no control over what was happening. Some of the most common symptoms of PTS include recurring memories or nightmares of the event(s), sleeplessness, loss of interest, or feeling numb, anger, and irritability, but there are many ways PTS can impact your everyday life. Sometimes these symptoms don’t surface for months or years after the event or returning from deployment. They may also come and go.
Aside from the educational and clinical approaches used to help the veterans and their partners, complementary alternative medicine such as Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic Care, Yoga, Tai Chi, Nutrition, Qi-ssage, Reiki, Art Therapy, and Horseback Riding. The modalities offer give the participants a chance to decide what works best for them on their healing journey.
Media inquiries should be sent to at secretary@vethealingcenter.org.
NVWHC is looking for local, motivated, and energetic individuals to join our Board of Directors to help us continue our mission of assisting Veterans and their partners with PTS. If you are interested, please apply or reach out to inquire more!

Chuck Howe
Founder NVWHC Honorary Board Member

Dan Rakes
Founder NVWHC Honorary Board Member