
Important Notice: We are currently accepting applications.

National Veterans Wellness and Healing Center is providing weeklong retreats for Veterans, Active-Duty Military, Reservists, and their partners (spouse, friend, family member) who have been diagnosed with PTS (post-traumatic stress). The retreats offer traditional and non-traditional healing methods. Included throughout the week are a mix alternative modalities like Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic Care, Yoga, Tai Chi, Nutrition, Qi-ssage, Reiki, Art Therapy, and Horseback Riding, along with couples and group counseling sessions. The natural setting of Angel Fire (and Red River) in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains is the perfect location to bring couples to a place where nature can assist with the healing process. The number of retreat participant couples are kept small thus making each and every experience and tool which you are provided much more intimate. The retreats are only made possible through the generosity of donors and grant funding. (Click here to make a donation)

Opening Day offers a “Welcome Home” ceremony, orientation and dinner providing a time for the couples to get to know one another. Each day provide opportunities which allows the couples to progress through the educational, interactive sessions and then to partake in non-traditional healing modalities individually. All lodging, meals and activities for the week are completely paid for.

For more information contact our Retreat Coordinator at 505-501-8337 or email hidden; JavaScript is required.

Retreat Schedule

The 2025 Retreats have been scheduled for the following dates:

  • April 6-13, 2025
  • April 27-May 4, 2025
  • June 1-8, 2025
  • September 7-14, 2025
  • October 19-26, 2025

All Retreats are a total of seven and a half (7 1/2) days. All attendees must commit to the full seven and a half days.

All lodging, meals and meetings are paid by National Veterans Wellness and Healing. Transportation to and from the Retreats is the responsibility of the attendees.

Fill out an application, scan and send to: email hidden; JavaScript is required or mail to P.O. Box 805, Angel Fire, NM 87110. If you have questions and/or want to secure a place at one of these retreats, please call 505-501-8337 to speak with our Retreat Coordinator.

Retreat Criteria

  • Veteran must have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress (indicate date and by whom/where diagnosed in application).
  •  Veteran must attend with partner or support person (spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, sibling, close friend, fellow vet from PTS support group, or similar existing and continuing close relationship).  Contact the Center if you have unusual circumstances regarding a partner.
  • Participants must be free from any alcohol/drug addictions for at least 12 months prior to attending.

Clinical Analysis of PCL-5 Study Scores:

A study of the efficacy of the NVWHC retreat program and how retreat participants benefit

Female Spouse/ Retreat Participant
“The team went above and beyond all my expectations. I felt 1,000 pounds has been lifted from my life. I am full of positivity! I healed more in 7 days that I have done in 50 years! The staff were extra powerful in making me feel so proud to be the wife of a veteran and to know that I count too.”
Male Veteran/ Retreat Participant
“The retreat experience was unlike anything I have ever experienced. I felt safe, supported and listened to. My issues were addressed with grace, ease and understanding. Thank you to all the staff and providers for providing me with the most healing week of my life!”